Thursday, February 16, 2012

a headless prophet, a song and me...

I was thinking of a blog title that would catch your attention... hopefully that one did it.

This morning during my quiet time I read about John the Baptist's beheading and even though I've read through this section so many times before this is the first time that this has really clicked in my head. John gets beheaded and Jesus hears of the news and the first thing he does is jumps on a boat and he goes right to his Comforter, his Father. I can't help but think about what was happening on that boat. Sitting out on the sea. Praying. Crying. Listening. Healing. When Jesus returns to the shore he find's over five thousand people waiting there for him and the scripture says '...and he had compassion on them healed their sick.'

I love you Lord.

The last couple of months have been pretty rough for me. But when I read this scripture and see that Jesus heals and feeds because he had compassion for them. I am comforted and convicted. When Jesus looks down and sees my hurting, sees your hurting. He understands. He was rejected by his family and friends, poor, dealing with death all the while knowing what was ahead of him. The cross. Jesus looks down on us and has compassion. I love the example that Jesus sets. He runs to the Father but then what does he do? He does ministry, he gives out, he heals, restores, brings hope! He thinks about people other then himself. When we are hurting, and I am so guilty of this, we focus on our self-made-trinity; Me, Myself & I. But what does Jesus do? He gives out. He doesn't ask for anything. He gives out.

So tonight as I was spending some time writing in my journal I was listening to the song 'All the Poor and Powerless' by 'All Sons and Daughters' and this is what the song says...

All the poor and powerless
And all the lost and lonely
All the thieves will come confess
And know that You are holy
And know that You are holy

And all will sing out
And we will cry out
All the hearts who are content
And all who feel unworthy
And all who hurt with nothing left
Will know that You are holy

And all will sing out
And we will cry out

Shout it
Go on scream it from the mountains
Go on and tell it to the masses
That He is God
We will sing out
And we will cry out

God is so good. I was just a broken sinful boy when he found me but he is doing something in my life. A work that no positive thinking, no mindset or work could do. The Spirit of the Living God is alive and working in me, changing me daily. He calls the broken to himself and then sends them out to do his work.

In your brokenness, in your comfort, where ever you are in life. Have compassion, because it is our Savior's reaction to pain.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

In a galaxy far far away...

I can't believe I'm about to do this... but here's a blog about what God spoke to me through Star Wars...

In the past week I've watched episode 4,5&6 (the older ones... go figure) and I just finished episode 6. This is the first time I've watched Stars Wars in a long long time and looking at it from an adult point of view it's pretty different. I remember being a kid and seeing Luke as a good guy; no mistakes, defeats the bad guy, always comes to the rescue. But now that I'm older and actually understand what's happening I can see him as he really is. Stupid. He makes rash decisions, doesn't listen to wisdom and after he tells Leia she is his sister he plants a kiss right on her lips.... I mean what is that!? Now don't get me wrong he's a great guy but pretty flawed and as I've been watching and growing more and more frustrated with him I finally realized why. He's just like me and he's just like you.

For those of us who would dare to call ourselves Christians we know that daily we must fight against sin. Daily we must choose to follow God. Walk by the Spirit and make choices to further our sanctification. The thing with Luke is that he keep's finding himself faced with choices; he has to choose to do what is wise and best for everyone but usually his choices reflect what benefits him best.

How do I relate to this? As I sit and reflect on my life sometime I find myself saying, more then I'd like to admit, 'well that was stupid' and I'm sure our friend Mr. Skywalker could relate. But don't think that I'm starting to be 'to hard' on myself or whatever. I know when I make wise choices and I encourage myself with them, as I'm sure Mr. Skywalker would have as well.

What am I trying to say?! Luke makes so many mistakes but yet in the end he celebrates with his friends over the defeat of his enemy. Through every right and wrong choice he makes 'the force' still seems to work everything out to good where Luke fulfills his destiny. The same goes for me and you. No matter what choices, we as Christians make, God is sovereign over them. As we struggle with sin we must push forward, trusting in the Holy Spirit, making wise choices and not giving into temptation. Because instead of 'the force' (which sounds a lot like the wind) we have a living God, who is completely in control.

And one day we'll get to celebrate. We wont be dancing with a bunch of Ewaks but instead we'll be worshipping the one and only God and every hard choice we had to make during our lives will be nothing compared to the greatness of God.

So finally... I want to say. Make wise choices. If you are a Christian, make godly-God glorifying choices. If you are not a Christian, make the choice of following God. God is good. God is love. As I write this I think of the scripture from Hebrews 12:1-2 that says...

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that isset before us, looking to Jesus the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God

May this be the cry of your heart as you run the Christian race. Putting off everything that weights you down and running hard after Him.