Saturday, March 27, 2010

SBS sweek 1 done...

its been a long and fulfilling week, after spending around 50 hours this week in studies of the book of Galatians, I can help but wonder what the next 9 months will be like. Tonight I did a practice that I haven't done since the states... I invited myself over to someones house for dinner. It was a good meal and a good time of fellowship, I also got a hair cut thats pretty sweet, thanks Brian ;D but yeah I sit here and rethink this week the hours I've spent looking at stuff just makes me stop and praise God that he is good enough to let me do this school. I've been trying just to focus on God and nothing but Him, and truly its been amazing, just letting the worries of the world fall of me and into the hands of a God that has everything in control. I cant see me doing anything with my life but living and serving God its just to much of an honor, I've fallen so much in love with Taiwan, I really want to go out of my way to start convos. with random Taiwanese people this week. I want to be pouring out what God is pouring in to me... news letter comming soon!!!!

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