Saturday, September 10, 2011

Why am I a missionary?

So lately I've been thinking about this: why am I a missionary/in ministry? I mean every month I wait on a check that could lessen, I'm on the other side of the world from my family and friends, who could leave this world at any moment... Etc. Etc.

The answer is simple: Jesus

I believe that because of Jesus' one act of righteous and obedience on the cross everything is changed, back then and today. Jesus, in Matthew 28, gives the 11 disciples (and us) a command; go, teach them, disciple them and baptize, so the first things the 11 disciples, soon to be apostles, did was sign up for a mission organization and got shipped off to a foreign country right? WRONG! The book of Acts which follows the apostles never mentions them (the 11 around Jesus) going out of Israel. In fact historically the apostles (minus Paul) are never recorded as leaving Israel until around 70 A.D when they are forced to leave because Rome came in and took it over.

So were the apostles wrong in never leaving even though Jesus gave them the 'go' command? I don't think so. I believe Jesus' 'go' command was a 'go and be faithful where you're at' command. I believe some people are called to foreign countries (or I'm sure a lot of you would be confused), but I believe we are ALL called to be faithful where we are at. The apostles stayed in Israel at first because it was all they knew but as they grew in the Lord they realized they were actually called to the Jews (Gal. 2:7).

So back to my question... Why do I do what I do? Because of Jesus' sacrifice I want to be faithful where I'm at. I didn't come to Taiwan in order to finally serve Jesus but in serving him I was lead here. Just as some of you have served him and it's lead you to the church you are at, the place you live, etc etc. All that's happening in our lives should be a result of following Jesus.

So here's our challenge in being faithful were we are at: Recently I've been reading Ephesians with two friends and I was really challenges about what we read in chapter 3 verse 8, which says "To me, though I am the very least of all the saints, this grace was given TO PREACH TO THE GENTILES THE UNSEARCHABLE RICHES OF CHRIST" Do you notice that Paul doesn't just say 'Yup! God gave me grace' but he realizes that his grace is for others. So no matter where ever following Jesus has lead you, you have been given grace from God FOR the people around you meaning the people around you should benefit from your salvation (hearing of Jesus, experiencing God's love etc etc).

So may we be people who, where ever God has lead us, are mission minded and may we remember that OUR, not just missionaries or pastors or whatever but whoever professes the name of Christ, command to 'go' and be faithful were ever he has placed us just as the disciples and Paul did.

Lord. I thank you for the grace that has been given to us for others and Lord I pray that me and my brothers and sisters wouldn't be selfish with this grace but that we would be radically wrecking the world around us for you.

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