Monday, February 15, 2010

chinese new year!

Here in Taiwan we didnt celebrate valentines on the 14th but rather Chinese New Year. What we where celebrating? im not sure all i know is that Taiwnese kids love it because they get lots of money haha. I was invited to my friend Elmos house to celebrate. After a long day of working [moving a giant TV down 6 flights of steps at 7 in the morning, painting and scrapping] i met up with Elmo, got some food than went to pack for my weekend trip. After a boat ride across the river, we met up with Elmos mom. The whole family went out for HotPot, which taiwanese people love. and ive never heard of until i got here. But yeah we than went and rented movies and bought junk food [my mindset to pig out "its chinese new years im gunna let myself go!"] Saturday was the celebrating day! we had a great meal, I had some squid! thats awesome isnt it?! and money was passed out in red envelopes, probably because they are envelopes.. that are red! Its so cool to get to experience a culture experience like this first hand.

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