Saturday, February 6, 2010

the tower of babel

During my free time here in taiwan ive been trying to pick up on the language, Chinesse, of course the frustrations of it all makes me look back to the tower of Babel when God decieded to give us many different languages. God did this so we wouldnt try to build our towers to heaven, untimently to humble us and its worked. i mean for any of us who try to learn a 2nd language its incredibly humbling, you screw up so many times, you yell "bathroom" at a wedding in stead of what was intended [okay maybe this was just me...], and say things you dont mean to say and get laughed at. One of my DTS classmates [soon to SBS classmates] speaks Spanish, Chinesse and some what english. When he screws up english of course i laugh and make a joke but im quickly reminded by a person or Holy Spirit that im making fun of him for not being able to speak his THIRD language correctly. And id like to say to everyone back in America who thinks "this is america we speak english" i want to say, try going to another country where they dont speak a language you know and see what its like if they use that. youd be so lost, get nothing done, and you feel so alone. i am greatful for people who try to learn other languages, such as english, i am greatful for those who are humble enough to try to speak to someone knowing they might make a fool of themself. quick story. i went to subway with two taiwanese friends of mine and i ordered my meal all in chinesse [minus: ham] so out of confidence i went to mcdonals that night [why dont i eat anything but western?] and tried to order by myself in chinesse.. it went well until i was asked if i wanted it for here or to go. so confused i pointed at the door, than reliezed he might of been asking if i wanted it small or large so i just lowered my head and repeated the last thing he said which sounded like "ta ma" which was the end of a question but i probably said "his/her horse." God is always humbling the proud! humble yourself, learn another language =p

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